“By the way do you think that any miracle can happen and you guys leave Shilo and return the land to its original owners?”In a manner of speaking, miracles have already happened. You just need to be able to open your eyes to recognize them for what they are.
A people who lived on this land since the beginning of recorded history; a people who never gave up on their connection and ownership of this land; a people who persevered under the hardest circumstances to return to this land in every generation; this people has finally succeeded in restoring their sovernity over much of what the Western world calls “the Land of the Bible.” If that isn’t miraculous, I don’t know what is.
You ask if a miracle can happen that the Jews would leave Shilo and return the land to its original owners?
Amazing! Long before Mohamed started the Islam religion, a thousand two-hundred years before the conquest of Jerusalem by Islam in 638, the Jewish People lived here in this land. The more appropriate question would be, do you think that a miracle can happen and that your people will finally recognize the true owners of this land and return it to its original owners – the Jewish People!